Georgian Problems of Russian Text: Linguoculturological Concepts in the Context of two Cultures

Translation of the national culture gives a vast material for comparative culturological  investigation. It has been analyzed how Georgian linguoculturological concepts pass own culture without loss of cultural identity and acquire the features of cultural mediator in Russian discourse.

Keywords: linguoculturological concepts, text-matrix, cultural shock


Peculiarities of Translation of a Cartoon (on the example of the Georgian translation of “Madagascar”)

The given paper presents the peculiarities of an audio-visual translation, the creation of a character, the preferred modes of audio-visual translation, the methods used by the translator for achieving a communicative effect similar to the original, etc (on the example of E. Darnel and T. Macgrath's  cartoon "Madagascar").

Keywords: allusion, dialect, dubbing, paralinguistic effects, slang


The peculiarities for the understanding of Emily Dickinson’s works in Georgian Literature

In the past years there has been an increasing interest towards the translation of American female authors in Georgian language. One of the noteworthy in this case is Emily Dickinson's poetry, during whose exploration the researcher comes across different interesting aspects from the point of view of translation as well as literary relations.

Keywords: Female Poetry, Dickinson, Translation, transition, transfer of poetical style


Dialogism, Free Indirect Style and Irony as an Artistic Method of D.H. Lawrence's Short Story, The Lovely Lady: Based on the Problem of the Interpretation of a Fragment

The simultaneous manifestation of the dialogical character of the David Herbert Lawrence’s texts and his use of exposing artistic method demonstrated the possibilities of avoiding misinterpretation in the process of accurate translation considering these two signature points of his creative work. 

Keywords: dialogue, translation, irony, Lawrence, style.


Ideology and Strategy of Translation (Comparative Analysis of the Georgian Translations of the Works by Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Era)

The present paper addresses the  question of how translation strategy can be determined by the country's political situation. During the Soviet period while translating Emily Dickinson’s and Sylvia Plath’s poetry, the translators used the traditional poetic taste, whereas in the post-Soviet period, this situation has radically changed.

Keywords: Ideology, translation, poetry, Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath.


Euphemisms and their Translation Startegies (On the example of Georgian and English)

The present work deals with the problems related to translating euphemisms. It discusses the euphemisms of different categories and proposes the strategies for their translations. The emphasis is made on conveying the connotative meaning of the euphemistic expressions into the translation. Examples are recalled from the Georgian translatons of English literary works.

Keywords: Epuphemisms, National, Universal, Style, Connotation


Comparative Analysis of Byron's Lyrics and Mose Karchava's Translations

The work deals with a prominent Georgian translator of many important works from the English language - Mose Karchava and his translations. The researcher reviews the biography of the polyglot (which has not been studied yet) and translations of Byron's lyrics, discusses the method used by the translator, the English-Georgian correspondences, and the artistic features ...

Keywords: Byron, translation, Mose Karchava, lyrics.


Literary Translation and Philological Research It Involves (Based on the Georgian and Russian translations of a poem by Edgar Poe)

This article offers comparative analysis of the Georgian (including my own) and Russian translations of the poem To Helen by Edgar Poe. The analysis is aimed at revealing whether all the categories of information conveyed by the original as well as its style, figurative language, the pattern of rhymes and melody were adequately transferred in the mentioned translations. 

Keywords: poetic translation, interpretation, allusions, macrocontext.


Biblical Hymns in Ancient Greek and Georgian Versions of The Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete [1]

At the early stage of the development of the Typikon,  the Great Canon of Repentance by St. Andrew of Crete was completed with the Biblical Hymns. In the presented article the relation of the Biblical Hymns preserved in the unstudied K-79 manuscript is compared with the other Georgian versions of the hymns. The Georgian versions are compared with the variants preserved in the Old Greek Source (Sinai Graecus 734-735).

Keywords: The Great Canon, Biblical hymns, editorial affiliation


Sardion Aleksi-Meskhishvili - a Georgian Translator in the First Half of the 19th century

One of the first Georgian doctors and translations of the 19th century, Sardion Aleksi-Meskhishvili (1814-1863) is less studied in terms of translation studies. In the following article, we will focus on the studied principles of translation activity and active participation in the discussion between the “Fathers’ Camp” and “Sons’ Camp” (Ustari Anticritical). The conducted research studies led us to confirm the first Georgian translator, Sardion Aleksi-Meskhishvili might be the translator of  Byron’s poem “Oscar of Alva” through the French language.

Keywords: Aleksi-Meskhishvili, Byron, Oscar of Alva, Georgian translation


The Issue of Transliteration of the Biblical Names of Abraham and Sarah into Georgian

In the Book of Genesis, the Lord promises Abram that he will become the father of numerous descendants. As a sign of this great mission, he changes the names of both Abram and his wife, Sarai [Gen. 17:5, 15]. This article aims to show in what form (Greek or non-Greek, taking into account the oriental literary-textual tradition) the original and modified names of Abraham and Sarah were transliterated into Georgian by the old translators-editors. The issue is explored taking into account all possible foreign language sources. Depending on the volume of the article, it is published in two parts: in the first part, the issue of rendering of the above-mentioned proper names in the books of the Old Testament is discussed, and in the second part – the same issue in the New Testament, lectionaries, as well as in other written sources of old and middle Georgian and the translations made into the new Georgian language.

Keywords: transliteration of proper names, Abraham, Sarah, biblical translations


Translations of the Studies of Evagrius Ponticus Made by Euthymius the Hagiorite [1]

This paper identifies and discusses the translations authored by Evagrius Ponticus (IV century) and translated by Euthymius the Hagiorite. Monk Evagrius, a famous Origenist, excommunicated by the Fifth World Church Council (553), is the author of many ascetic works in Greek. Many of his works were spread over time under the names of other church writers, and the original versions of some were completely lost. The following works were preserved only in translations. Exhortations by Evagrius Ponticus became known in the Georgian language as extracts quite early (in the pre-Athonic period), although, as it turns out, many of his writings were also translated disguised by Euthymius the Hagiorite but under the name of St. Basil the Great and Maximus the Confessor.

Keywords: Evagrius Ponticus, Euthymius the Hagiorite, Basil the Great, Maximus the Confessor


The Issues of Transliteration of the Biblical Names of Abraham and Sarah into Georgian

In the Book of Genesis, the Lord promises Abram that he will become the father of numerous descendants. As a sign of this great mission, he changes the names of both Abram and his wife, Sarai [Gen. 17:5, 15]. This article aims to show in what form (Greek or non-Greek, taking into account the oriental literary-textual tradition) the original and modified names of Abraham and Sarah were transliterated into Georgian by the old translators-editors. The issue is explored taking into account all possible foreign language sources. Depending on the volume of the article, it is published in two parts: in the first part, the issue of rendering of the above-mentioned proper names in the books of the Old Testament is discussed, and in the second part – the same issue in the New Testament, lectionaries, as well as in other written sources of old and middle Georgian and the translations made into the new Georgian language.

Keywords: transliteration of proper names, Abraham, Sarah, biblical translations.


The Perception of Allen Ginsberg's Poetry in the Georgian Literature (On the Example of Shota Iatashvili’s Translation of the Poem

The article presents the analysis of the poem "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg  -  a poet of the Beat Generation. The poem consists of three parts. In the first part, the poet speaks about the best thinkers of his generation, who were destroyed by madness. In the second part, a reader learns that the destruction of people is Moloch's fault. In the third part, the poet directly addresses Carl Solomon, his friend, to whom he dedicated the poem and sympathizes with him due to his stay in psychiatric hospital and difficult days spent there. The article also discusses the main themes of the poem. "Howl" was translated into Georgian by Shota Iatashvili. The last part of the article presents the comparative analysis of the original and its Georgian translation.

Keywords: Ginsberg, howl, Iatashvili, translation


The Problem of the Authorship of De Sectis and the Old Georgian Translation of the Treatise Presented in “Dogmatikon” of Arsen Vachesdze

The article discusses the issue of authorship of the treatise "Scholia of Theodore, the most pious Abba and the wisest philosopher, which philosophizes as necessary on both holy and foreign writings” presented in "Dogmatikon" by Arsen Vachesdze. This work is known in the Western scientific literature as De Sectis.

Keywords: Abba Theodore, Leontius of Byzantium